Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Pharoahs

Exodus 8:20 (NIV) Then the Lord said to Moses, “Get up early in the morning and confront Pharoah as he goes to the water and say to him, ‘This is what the Lord says: Let my people go, so that they may worship me.”People in the USA are often bound up with weights of finances, hectic schedules, and a lack of energy. They start out with education that places them in debt. They work full time and overtime. They started out with energy, but end up with schedules that are overbooked. People are often spread insanely thin.Jehovah, our Provider, wants to free His people from the Pharoah of heavy bondages, so that we may be free to worship. Worry, stress, and shame are all Pharoahs many battle each and every day. How many times when you are in worship, do you find your mind wandering to what is going on after the service? How many times do you find yourself thinking about things that you need to do or people you need to call? How many times do you find yourself getting distracted from true worship?The Pharoahs in life are stubborn. They do not bend or give up. Exodus 8:19 (NIV) The magicians said to Pharoah, ‘This is the finger of God.’ But Pharoah’s heart was hard and he would not listen, just as the Lord had said. Even though many, even those who are yet unsaved, may realize that God’s work is evident, Pharoah will not bend. Pharoah is one stubborn character. So the question comes up, what is your Pharoah?What will not bend in your life to give God His rightful position? What is so stubborn that it steals all your energy and joy?Even serving too much can be a Pharoah. God may have called you to teach Sunday School, but not to teach that other Wednesday night class. He may have called you to write music, but not to be the worship leader. Hearing from God requires time with Him. It also requires seeking after peace.I Peter 3:10-11 For, ‘Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from deceitful speech. He must turn from evil and do good; he must seek peace and pursue it.”Questions to Ask MyselfAm I growing in the Lord? Do I have peace in your life regarding ministry endeavors? Do my family members witness my joy and peace?Do I have peace regarding being in the job God has me in for now?Destiny Raines 2007

The Bus Driver
When I was about 21, I was temping at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. One day, I brought the Bible to read on the bus. The bus driver noticed and she started talking to me.She told me how she was separated from her husband, and how terrible he was treating her. I gave her some verses, and don't remember what they were. I was her last drop off.She was crying by the time she dropped me off.My friend picked out an apartment for us to room together. I ended up living right down the street from the Bus Driver!She told me how she shared the message I passed onto her with her church. The pastor told the congregation, and her father, who never cries, started crying.What a miracle on the Bus! The miracle is, I was feeling down at the time because of a relationship that was failing in my life. God does use us in our weaknesses!
Posted by Destiny at 4:20 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009

Preparing for my husband
I have a jar into which I place a coin every time I pray for my future husband. I pray that he has strength and joy to fulfill the call of God on His life. I also pray that he know his future wife is praying for him.I pray that he reveal himself (more recently). I pray various things for him and over him.This is a gift that I can give my husband one day. On my wedding day, I plan to give him the jar of coins...A piece of my heart.You can do this too.
Posted by Destiny at 6:33 PM 0 comments

When I was 17 years old, I worked at an Assisted Living Center. There was a Native American woman who cooked nights there. We would talk about various subjects after I completed my duties.She would tell me about some of her beliefs, and I would tell her about mine. One night she asked me, "How can I be saved?"I nearly fell over; then quietly led her to Jesus in that kitchen at work. Her grandchildren started coming with me to church sometimes.Native Americans always had a special place in my heart. It's like God gave her and I a little kiss from heaven in that place that night. The angels were rejoicing in heaven.The Lord only knows what can happen in a night at work.
Posted by Destiny at 2:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009

Kenneth Hagin
While working at the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, I got sick. That week at my home church, Kenneth Hagin was speaking. He was going to have meetings all week.Kenneth Hagin had been healed when he was just a young boy of a very serious physical issue. Now, the Holy Spirit told me to go the meetings anyway. Then he showed me that this could be my last chance to see Kenneth Hagin.I obeyed the Lord and went to the meetings sick. By the end of the meetings, I'd feel better than I felt normally.Soon after these meetings, Kenneth Hagin passed away. It was my last chance to see him.
Posted by Destiny at 10:24 PM 0 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009

You never know...
When I was about 20 years old, I was dating a much older man. He was 32 years old. His dad went into the hospital.The Lord showed me that He was going to take his dad home. I didn't know what to say to my boyfriend, or even if I should say anything. So, I said, "Please spend as much time as possible with your dad."He blew up at me and said, "If it was my mom in the hospital, I would be there night and day! If it was a life and death situation, I would be there." I simply said, "You never know" and walked away.I was just learning to hear the voice of Lord, and He had never spoken quite like this before. So, his dad got out of the hospital, and everything seemed ok. Then, he died.Apparently, he had said some nice things to his son, and somewhat mended the rift before he died.
Posted by Destiny at 1:21 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Years ago at Living Word Christian Center, Brooklyn Park, MN, I was standing around with some people after "church". I didn't know some of these people, but the Lord gave me a word suddenly for one man. The words just flew out of my mouth, "Boldness, boldness, more boldness!" and I reached out to touch his hand to pray with him.My hand barely brushed his and he was slain the Spirit (fell down under the power of God). A week or two later, he came up to me (still don't know his name) and said he had to use that boldness. A man pulled a knife on him when he was street witnessing. He had said, "I know where I'll be. Do you know where you're going?" or something to that effect. The man retreated peacefully.
Posted by Destiny at 8:11 AM 0 comments

I emailed the following letter below to my friends. Now I've let the Chief of Police in Spring Lake Park know what happened Saturday and what I heard from this lady at Rainbow.I called Taco Bell tonight and the manager working that night had not checked the cameras as he'd promised. So I told him I'd be contacting corporate and getting this taken care of. I also told him about the lady at Rainbow and that I'd be contacting the police.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hi there,Just wanted to let you know that on Saturday night I went to Mounds View Taco Bell. The clerk said, "Hold on for your card." Then he didn't return it. So, I drove around again noticing it was missing. The manager took my number and said he'd check the cameras.I talked to another manager at another Taco Bell. She said they do have to check the cameras at a different time. She advised that I call the general manager. So, that is what I'm going to do.I was in line at Rainbow Grocery and told the clerk my story. The lady behind me heard it, and said KFC did the same thing to her and she's trying to straighten out her credit.Avoid Mounds View, MN Taco Bell and KFC. I'll avoid that entire area...She said something about a big drug ring up there.
Posted by Destiny at 8:08 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009

Discernment does not come from the mind. It comes from deep down, in the depths... Don't listen to what people say. Look at their lives. Are they reaching out to anyone?Today I went to get my haircut. The hair-stylest told me about the domestic abuse that her mother has gone through for years. Her mother had just gotten out of the hospital. Now she has seven broken ribs and other complications. She said her mother is going to go live with her.Her mother had actually gone into a women's shelter. The abuser had gone to the shelter to arrest her, because he works in a position for City of Rochester, and sometimes wears a law enforcement uniform. I don't know on what grounds he arrested her, but some women have difficulty getting away.I gave her a tip, if she needs to take a car that is in both of their names (husband and her's), use The Club. If he might tow it, park the wheels at an angle, so the rubber would be worn off if anyone attempted a tow. She should also tell the police the other party may report the car stolen, but she has it. (This I learned from experience.)I pulled out a bracelet that talks about speaking out against domestic violence to give to her mother. I asked her to keep me updated. My hair-stylist had also gone through abuse with this step-dad while growing up.This young lady will not only be one of my hair-stylists - she will be a friend, God-appointed contact.
Posted by Destiny at 7:39 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Vision for To Every Nation Ministries
Go to churches and non-profit organizations world-wide to play and sing to them. They will donate items and money toward orphanages all over the world. A certain percentage of the profits from the cds will go toward the orphanages.Go to juvenile detention centers to pray for, teach, and donate cds and cd players to the youth. I believe the anointing destroys the yoke of bondage.Start an orphanage here in the United States to take Chinese girls overseas to be adopted from here. This will save each family that adopts thousands of dollars. Non-profit organizations, businesses, and individuals can fund the orphanage and ministry. Politicians will be influential in producing the bill to get this project started.To raise money for various organizations, such as those speaking out against Domestic Abuse and for life.
Posted by Destiny at 7:36 PM 0 comments

Sometimes I like to get in Satan's face.Several years ago on Halloween night, the Holy Spirit led me to get a group of people together to witness. We went to the Halloween capitol of the world, Anoka and witnessed. There were those who made comments like, "You can find your religion some other time!"One man who worked at a tattoo parlor said, "Let me get this straight. You are up here on Halloween night in the Halloween capitol of the world, talking about God!!!"I said, "Yeah, man, cause look who rules!" I spun around in my airbrushed leather coat that read, "Jesus Rules" and had a picture of a dove and other artistic beauty.This man immediately backed down and started talking to us like we were equals, not condescendingly.My friend Jimmy was talking to a man who said, "You don't have any idea what you're dealing with." Jim said, "I know exactly what I'm dealing with" (the devil).So, if anyone wants to go with me this next year, we shall see what the Holy Spirit leads. I'd like to hear your comments.New children came into God's kingdom. They chose to be a child of God, instead of a child of the devil.
Posted by Destiny at 2:25 PM 0 comments
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Oct 2009

Qualitities in Preparation for Marriage

These are notes that I made from books I read.1. The commitment to Christ is genuine.2. There is a genuine acceptance of one's self.If you have anyone you would rather be than yourself, there is a self image problem.3. Develop the ability to listen.4. Develop the capability to respond to authority.5. There is a clear conscience before God.6. Develop a forgiveness attitude. Say, "I am sorry."7. Have a proper understanding of one's purpose in life.

True love involves a response in total, a response to the total person.True love has the ingredients of reverence.True love is characterized by an attitude of self giving. 100% attitude- givingTrue love accepts responsibility.True love has joy in one's presence. True love has pain in separation.True love enjoys each other without the constant need for the physical.True love manifests itself in a protective attitude.People get married to be together."Don't marry the person you can live with. Marry the person you can't live without."

Posted by Destiny